You have created an e-commerce site and as with any entrepreneur, the performance of your business is at the heart of your concerns. The conversion rate is the key benchmark indicator you need to keep in your sights. It allows you to evaluate the percentage of purchases made on your site compared to the total number of visits. Improving your e-commerce conversion rate is the starting point of a good web strategy. The purchase decision on the web is influenced by many factors on which it is necessary to act, to increase its turnover. Discover 5tips that will allow you to propel your online sales site to the rank of the best.
1. Target your clientele and define your ideal client
Believing that your product is for everyone leads straight to failure. Targeting your customers is essential to improve the conversion rate of an e-commerce. Indeed, a site that does not attract the right people reduces its chances of increasing its sales. This is to avoid the famous bounce rate, which corresponds to the percentage of Internet users who have consulted only one page of a site before leaving it. You would then risk having an irrelevant site and losing precious places in the first pages of Google.
Imagine the perfect ghostwriter for hire, the one who is interested in your products to the point of making one or more purchases on a recurring basis. We speak of “person”. It embodies a real person, who, by his way of life, his beliefs or his needs will be attracted by your products. To define it, give it life with a name, personality, history, values, family and professional situation, etc. All this data will allow you to define the appropriate marketing message and deduce the channels through which you can transmit it.
2. Use SEO to stand out
The goal is to make Google understand that your site is active and relevant enough to appear in the first results. To increase your traffic, you need to optimize your site. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) corresponds to all the techniques promoting the natural referencing of a site on search engines. Indeed, the relevance of your product sheets and prices are essential to sell, but they are not enough. For an e-commerce to obtain an unbeatable conversion rate, you must appear at the top of the list of Google results.
Optimization requires in particular good editorial content with the use of relevant queries and suitable keywords. This is a crucial step to increase the conversion rate of an e-commerce. If you are short on time or are not comfortable with writing optimized articles, do not hesitate to recruit an SEO expert web editor who will be able to advise you and save you precious time. To find the right professional for you, you can browse the different profiles of our web editors.
3. Create an eye-catching site
The design of your site sets the tone. It must make a good impression from the first visit. Your prospects must feel good about it and want to go further. Every day we browse the web, browsing a large number of sites, but our memory will retain only one or two. Why? Because they are the most attractive and eye-catching. Visitors mostly come looking for content that will meet their needs. It is necessary to adapt its site to its target customers. We don’t make the same site for artists as for athletes.
Do not hesitate to bet on the most visited pages to optimize them as much as possible. This work has an obvious and positive impact on improving the conversion rate in e-commerce. Your texts will be all the more relevant if you accompany them with images or videos that bring an attractive and playful touch.
4. Promote UX to improve your e-commerce conversion rate
The user experience, commonly called “UX” (TinyTech) is defined as the emotional feeling of a user in front of an interface. It is essential to take it into consideration to increase its conversion rate. For more information, I invite you to watch this video made by Lucie Ronde let, expert in SEO optimization.
The design of the site, the quality of the articles and product sheets as well as the presence of videos or photos strongly influence the act of purchase on the web. But that’s not all! Your site must inspire confidence, navigation must be fluid, fast loading, easy payment and above all reassuring. It is also imperative to have a responsive site, that is to say suitable for reading on a smartphone or tablet. Indeed, currently, more than half of purchases are made in this way, faster and simpler, provided of course, to have a suitable design.
5. Sustain the relationship with its visitors
You have now improved the visibility of your site and obtained a lot of visitors, but you still have to keep them. For this, you can develop a good customer database and sell more by creating an opt-in or pop-up page. In digital marketing, this page designates a window that is automatically displayed on the screen when a page is opened. It is most often an advertising message. But there are also some for online surveys, registration forms, etc. The pop-up is used to encourage the user to perform a specific action and thus boost the conversion rate of an e-commerce site.
To encourage a prospect to come back to your site, offer him a promo code valid from his first order, in exchange for his email address. You can perpetuate the link by regularly offering discount codes that will reward the loyalty of your customers.
As you will have understood, having a good conversion rate for an e-commerce is the Holy Grail. There are many ways to increase it and ensure a great success for your e-commerce. So it’s up to you!
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