Top 10 Breeds of Buffalo in the World

India is home to many buffalo species. The Indian top 10 Buffalo breeds are selected based upon their milk production. Indian Buffaloes contribute most to the country’s milk supply. Milch buffaloes contribute approximately 55 % to the country’s milk supply.

Below are the top ten Buffalo breeds that produce high amounts of milk. Many of them are located near urban settlements, due to their exceptional milk performance. Many Indian buffaloes are river-bred, but there are also Swamp Buffaloes.

1. Murrah Buffalo

The Murrah Buffalo produces the highest amount of milk. It produces an average of 15 liters a day. This is greater than most Indian cow breeds. Murrah’s name is often used to refer to him as Kali Kundi or Delhi. The breed is primarily Haryana, India.

The breed is jet black and has a short, tight-coiled horn. Murrah is a milk-producing breed that produces approximately 1000 liters up to 2000 Liters of milk per lat. This is due to their well developed udder.

Murrah’s milk contains around 6.9 % to 7.3 % fat. The lactation time is approximately 300 days. Rarely, Murrah Cows can produce 18 liters of milk. Indian buffaloes are generally culled following two lactations. This has led to massive losses for the finest buffaloes. Murrah biskes live for 12 years on average.

2. Nili Ravi Buffalo

Niliravi buffalo breed produces the second highest amount of milk. On average, it produces 10 liters per daily. Nili ravi is a Punjabi province. Panch Kalyani also refers to the Nili ravi.

Nili Ravi has the unique walled year and white markings of their forehead, nose, legs and tail. Average production of 1500 liters to 2000 liters of milk each lactation. The period lasts for approximately 300 days. The average calving interval takes 15 months.

3. Mehsana Buffalo

Mehsana may also be known by the alternate names Mahesani (or Mehsani). Mehsana can be seen with its distinctive sickle-shaped horns, which are curved. The body color is either dark brown or blackish.

Mehsana Buffalo milk production averages 1200-1500 Liters per lactation. The fat percentage is between 5 to 9.5%. The average interval between cooling down and heating up is between 450 days to 550.

4. Surti Buffalo

Surti is from Baroda. They are also well-known for their milk production abilities. Surti is known by several names: Gujarati Charotari Charotari Nadiadi and many others. The breed is available with either a black or brown body and two white collars.

One around the jaw, the other at their brisket. Surti makes an average of 5-7 liters of dairy milk. Over a period of 290-day lactation, Surti can produce 900 to 1300 liters per day. Average intercalving times range from 400 to 500 days.

5. Jaffarabadi Buffalo

Jaffarabadi Buffalo is the heaviest of all buffalo breeds, weighing between 800 and 1000kg. Gujarat districts include Amreli (Bhavnagar), Jamnagar, Jamnagar, Porbandar, Rajkot.

The Buffalo’s unique appearance is due to its downward-curved horns which are compressing the head. The body of the Buffalo is black. Jaffarabadi Buffalo produces on average 1800 Liters of milk over a period of 305 Days. The average intercalving length is 440 jours.

6. Bhadawari Buffalo

Bhadawari comes from Madhya Pradesh. It is a dual-purpose, drought-tolerant breed. The buffalo breed also goes by the name of “Etawah”. Bhadawari bodies are blackish-copper to light copper.

Kanthy is a name local to the two white lines “Chevron” on the lower portion of the neck. The average milk yield in a lactation was 1200 liters. The fat percentage is about 7.88%, highest among buffaloes. Bhadawari breeds can tolerate low-quality fodder yet produce a large amount of milk. A perfect draught buffalo.

7. Nagpuri Buffalo

Nagpuri Buffalo is a Maharashtra region native. A dual-purpose breed suitable for both milk production or drought regions. The breed’s various names include Gaolavi and Chanda, Shahi. Gangauri, Berari, Berari, Arvi, Gaolaogan, Gangauri and Gangauri.

Nagpuri Buffalo originates in Maharashtra’s Vidarbha area. A dual-purpose breed suitable for both milk production or drought regions. It’s also known as Puranthadi.

8. Pandharpuri Buffalo

Pandharpuri is the native breed from Solapur, Sangli, and Kolhapur of Maharashtra. They can twist horns from 45 to 50 cm in length. Their body color is black. The average milk yield is 1400 liters over a period of 305-days. The average intercalving length is 465.

9. Toda Buffalo

Toda tribe of Nilgiris has kept the Toda bison breed. The buffalo thrives during the Nilgiris heavy rainfall. Their longhorns, which are set apart and point recurved inwardly, have an ash grey body color.

The top line of the neck, from the crest to the crown, is covered with dense hair. There are two chevron inscriptions at the anterior and around the cheeks. The average milk production takes 500 liters over the lactation period.

10. Godavari Buffalo

Murrah bulls cross with native buffaloes in order to produce the Godavari sable buffalo. Jet black is the predominant color with brown hair. It’s most common in Godavari and Krishna regions. The average milk production Godavari for a lactation period is 1300 Liters. Average intercalving is 570 days.

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